주소 : 대한민국 경기도 고양시 덕양구 통일로 140, 삼송테크노밸리 B동 123호
전화번호 : 02-6952-8380
팩스번호 : 02-6952-8382
이메일 :
Staff Training|Superior execution and time management promote the achievement of sales targets
In May full of love, Vega Power hired Lecturer Li Jun, an AACTP international registered trainer and sales talent duplication expert. Using the company as a carrier, the theme "Building Excellent Execution" through professional knowledge training and sharing, and teaching Yule's PK competition mechanism stimulates and guides the efficiency of Vega Power sales staff in work and life, and improves and enhances their time management ability!
What determines the height of life is never your high talk, but the execution ability that you just do. Without execution, everything is zero.
Lecturer Li Jun asked us to clearly understand that the essence of execution is professionalization. Professionalization is a standardized code of conduct in the workplace. It is a set of rules that our sales staff must follow. Through standardization, standardization, and specialization, we must help our sales staff to transform the company. Complete the assigned responsibilities to the best, and accurately play your role. Obvious qualities such as one's own qualifications, knowledge, behavior, skills, image, and invisible qualities such as professional ethics, professional awareness, and professional attitudes are closely related to how we professionalize and how to be professional.
The same operating model, the same competitive products, different management, and different teams have completely different results. Why? Execution is ability, and implementation is level. Combining multiple cases, analyzing and discussing and reflecting on the various situations of their own work, are the methods for dealing with problems fast and effective?
For sales staff to achieve high-level execution, it is the key to set goals in advance, and good goals must conform to the international “SMART principles”. The so-called "SMART principle" is:
The goal must be specific (Specific);
The goal must be measurable (Measurable);
The goal must be achievable (Attainable);
The goal must be relevant to other goals (Relevant);
The goal must have a clear deadline (Time-based).
At the site, our sales staff formulated 2018-2019 sales targets and annual sales plan breakdown tables that were in line with SMART principles, step by step, planned and targeted to supervise themselves to plan their work, ensure the rational use of time, and increase sales. effectiveness.
After the training, every salesperson of Weijia Power was deeply touched. They reflected on their own shortcomings in the past, and reviewed their attitudes towards customers in the future. They need to continuously learn product knowledge and communication skills, and arm themselves with knowledge and experience. Customers feel our professionalism, our dedication, our reliability, and our service!