2015.6.26 Urumqi Promotion Conference



주소 : 대한민국 경기도 고양시 덕양구 통일로 140, 삼송테크노밸리 B동 123호

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이메일 : info@simedarby.co.kr

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Perkins 소식

2015.6.26 Urumqi Promotion Conference

On June 26, Vega held a Perkins product promotion conference at Xinjiang Global International Hotel.   On the same day, Vega’s professional technical team arranged an informal technical training for

  On June 26, Vega held a Perkins product promotion conference at Xinjiang Global International Hotel.

  On the same day, Vega’s professional technical team arranged an informal technical training for the technicians present. On-site technical knowledge demonstrations and exchanges allowed the technicians to have a deeper understanding and understanding of Perkins engine technology. After that, the meeting officially started with a speech by Lei Lichang, general manager of Vega, and his vision for the future development of Vega, followed by an introduction to Perkins’ general products, and a detailed account of the introduction of Perkins gas engines, Perkins spare parts and accessories. Service Introduction. The meeting also arranged a free communication session, and the professional team of Vega had in-depth communication with the guests present, allowing the guests to better understand Perkins products and services.

